I suspect this is Amaxia perignita Toulgoët, 1991 I don't have access to the description in Toulgoët, 1991; Revue Fr. Ent. (N.S.) 13 (1): 14; Of the classic old species A. osmophora fits best, with its palpi brown above. Hampson, 1901; Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 3: 32, f. 25; 1234. Amaxia osmophora, n. sp. Amaxia dyuna, Druce, Biol. Centr.-Am., Het. ii. p. 369 (nee Schaus). M. Head and thorax bright yellow ; palpi above and antenne brownish ; a band on frons and neck orange; patagia and thorax with crimson and brown spots; legs streaked with fuscous ; abdomen crimson, the terminal segment yellow, the ventral surface white. Fore wing bright yellow; crimson - edged grey basal and subbasal spots below median nervure and two smaller spots below costa; a very irregular medial band not reaching costa, and constricted above inner Fig. 25.—Amaxia osmophora, 3. }. margin and crossed by crimson streaks on me- dian nervure, vein 2, and submedian interspace, and almost con- joined to small spots on and above vein 2 and a postmedial patch on inner margin ; a discoidal spot and some beyond the cell between veins 3 and 8; a postmedial series, of which three below costa are large and elongate; a subapical lunulate spot and subterminal and terminal series of small spots. Hind wing pale pink; the costal area white ; the cilia yellow. Hab. Costa Rica, Candelaria Mts. (Underwood), 1 M type, Godman-Salvin Coll. wp. 40 millim.